What is
Umano’s Collaboration
Collaboration measures the number of collaborators in tickets, pull requests, wiki spaces and chat channels that belong to a team within a given interval.
Agile ways of working at its heart is a model of collaboration model. emphasise collaboration and . It emphasises the act of working together, with flexibility, reviewing and incorporating feedback and adjusting as you go. With remote and hybrid working here to stay, agile Agile projects are better at promoting collaboration with minimum disruption, irrespective of whether your team is colocated, distributed or working remotely.
Umano measures Collaboration to help teams understand how effectively a team collaborates to complete their work, and whether they operate genuinely as ‘a team’ drawing on the skills and strengths of each other, or wether their patterns reflect a more individualistic approach to getting work done. Whilst it is usual practice for an item of work to be assigned to a single team member at any given time, there are instances where the assigned team member collaborates with other team members to complete bring the task or Pull Request within a given interval.
This to completion.
Highlighting interactions during the lifecycle of a task provides deeper understanding of the ‘usual’ patterns of engagement, . It might also surface the complexity of a piece of work task as signified by the number of team members interacting and when there are more collaborators than usual. It might also highlight the diversity of contribution across team members when completing a task. It provides insight into the actual number of team members involved in completing a task, highlighting where additional support might have been required yet not planned and capacity sometimes being underestimated. Measuring Collaboration can also provide insight into team members that are generally self sufficient, and any patterns around potential skill gaps within team members partnering up with others based on the type of work being assigned. Umano’s measure of collaboration may also highlight involvement of team members not assigned to the task or pull request.